
jp-flagThe World Intellectual Property organization (WIPO), a branch of the United Nations, released its bi-annual report, the World Intellectual Property Report 2015, which focuses on breakthrough innovations and economic growth across the globe.



The report, which looks at original mapping of patents in the fields of 3D printing, nanotechnology and robotics has shown that since 1995 more than 75 percent of the patent filings in these areas have been made by a small group of developed nations, including Japan, the United States, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, and the Republic of Korea.
此次报告指出自1995年以来,3 d打印技术,纳米技术和机器人技术的专利,超过75%的申请量集中在一小撮发达国家,如日本,美国,德国,法国,英国和韩国。

In the field of robotics, Japanese companies, which include many of the big Japanese car and electronic companies, are leading in filing new innovative patents. In fact, eight of the top ten robotics patent applicants are Japan based. They are: Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Dense, Hitachi, Panasonic, Yaskawa, and Sony. The other two leading innovators in robotics are Germany’s Bosch, and Samsung, from the Republic of Korea.

The United States are leading in the number nanotechnology patents, though six of the top ten companies that file for nanotechnology patents are Japan based and include Nippon Steel, Toshiba, Canon, Hitachi, Panasonic and TDK. The top American innovators in nanotechnology are IBM, the University of California, and Hewlett Packard.
美国则在纳米技术专利的数量上处于领先地位,不过Top 10里面的6家公司还是来自日本!新日铁(NSC)、东芝、佳能、日立、松下和TDK。美国纳米技术最牛逼的机构则是IBM,加州大学和惠普。

The 3D printing top ten list is more varied being made up of four American companies: 3D Systems, Stratasys, General Electric and United Technologies; three German companies: Siemens, MTU Aero Engines and EOS; and three Japanese companies: Mitsubishi, Hitachi, and Toshiba. Overall though, U.S. based companies and entities have filed for the most patents in the area of 3D printing.
3 D打印Top 10名单中有4家美国公司:3D系统、Stratasys公司、通用电气(General Electric)和联合技术;3个德国公司:西门子、MTU航空发动机和EOS;3家日本公司:三菱、日立、东芝。总的来说,美国科技公司申请的3D打印技术专利最多。

Though not present in any of the top ten lists, the report also shows that China is the only middle-income country that is approaching the level of technological innovation of the leading countries. More specifically, the report has found that since 2005 Chinese patent applicants have made up approximately a quarter of worldwide patents in 3D printing and robotics. What the report also presents, and which is quite interesting, is that many of the Chinese patent applicants come from universities or public research organizations.
报告显示:虽然中国没有出现在任何领域的Top 10 名单中, 但中国是唯一中等收入国家中技术创新接近“领先”的国家。更具体地说,自2005年以来,全球四分之一的3 d打印技术和机器人技术专利申请方是来自中国。报告还提出,相当有趣的是,许多中国专利申请人来自大学和公共研究机构。

Not only restricted to China, however, compared to other historical technological innovations such as airplanes, antibiotics, and semiconductors, the areas of 3D printing, robotics, and nanotechnologies owe much of their innovation to entities such as universities and PROs.

Significantly, the report emphasizes the importance of technological innovation for economic growth. Especially now, in a period of relatively stagnant worldwide economic growth, the WIPO report has stressed the importance of innovation related investment, hoping to increase government and business involvement. The report looks back throughout history to identify other instances of renewed business activity and has found that moments such as the advent of airplanes, antibiotics, and semiconductors helped to spur economic activity.

Francis Gurry, WIPO Director General, says “Historical technological breakthroughs have been at the root of long-lasting expansions in economic output. Successful innovation, at the company level or across the wider economy, requires perseverance, particularly in periods of anemic growth when innovation budgets are under pressure. We need to reinforce the environments that give rise to the breakthrough technologies of tomorrow.”


WIPO Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland

3D printing, robotics, and nanotechnology were selected as the focus for the WIPO report in 2015 because of their rapidly growing potential and their significance as “frontier technologies”. These three areas of technological innovation have been significant within many industries, and the United Nations believe they have the potential to advance and provoke growth within the slowly moving global economy.
3 d打印技术、机器人技术和纳米技术被选为世界知识产权组织2015年报告的重点,因为他们的快速增长的潜力和意义为“前沿技术”。这三个领域技术创新的重要在许多行业,和联合国相信他们有可能提前,并引发增长在全球经济缓慢移动。

The World Intellectual Property Organization is a specialized agency of the United Nations which has as its mandate the development of a balanced international intellectual property (IP) legal framework. Along with publishing insightful reports on the state of patent applications, the WIPO provide business services for obtaining IP rights, help to resolve IP disputes between nations, and offer programs to help developing countries use and benefit from IP.